Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Fray Concert

The Fray came to the Usana Amphitheatre 7/18/2009. We had great seats which were only about 10 rows back. The concert was great but our view was blocked for a good majority of the time by these two rediculous and nasty girls in front of us. One girl in particular would raise up out of her chair during each song and gross out everyone in our section with her scandalous movements and obsescene gestures. Me and Lynzee could not help but just laugh each time she got up to do her thing. It was sick!

Anyway the music was great. The show was opened up by a Band from Colorado named Meese, they were awesome. They were followed by Jack's Manniquin and then The Fray. Other than the strong smell of beer in the air and the 1 hour that it took us to drive out of the parking lot the concert was awesome! Thanks so much Lynz, you are the best!

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